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Coach & Parent Resources

River Flow Youth Soccer Coaching Resources

Resources for youth soccer safety, training, development and tactics.

Recursos de seguridad, formación, desarrollo y tácticas.

Youth Soccer Safety Resources

If someone collapses: What should you do?

Non-contact collapse of an athlete, coach, referee or bystander is presumed to be sudden cardiac arrest. While not common, an immediate and appropriate on-site response with bystander intervention is critical for a potential positive outcome.

Please read and understand the US Soccer "If someone collapses" quick response guide below.

Additional information is available on the US Soccer website.

Lightning & Severe Weather

Lightning is one of the top ten causes of sudden death in sport. As the majority of soccer is played outdoors, lightning and severe weather pose a threat to player health and safety. U.S. Soccer’s Recognize to Recover program, with the help of the Korey Stringer Institute, provides these guidelines for responding quickly and safely when lightning and severe weather threaten practice or a game.

Heat & Hydration

Heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion can be serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. U.S. Soccer’s RECOGNIZE TO RECOVER program prepared this guide for coaches, referees and players when training or playing in warmer climates, outlining recommendations for hydration breaks and participant safety during extreme temperature conditions.

Mental Health Resources

Mental health issues are a serious concern and important to recognize in ourselves or others so we can provide the most timely and effective treatment. Athletes are just as likely to suffer from mental health issues as non-athletes. The very nature of sport can bring about psychological issues in athletes, even though participation in athletics has many benefits. It is important to understand the signs of mental health disorders and how to address them.

Concussion information

Concussion information for coaches, parents and athletes.

Información de concusión para entrenadores, padres y atletas.

Available in English and Spanish